Stiven Gonzalez
2 min readSep 27, 2021

Problems to be solved:

Lack of knowledge regarding the offer of recreational, tourist and ecological activities.

Target audience:

People over 18 years of age, interested in developing activities of all kinds in the region where they live or are visiting.

Summary of the problem:

A platform in which the range of tourist and recreational activities to be developed in a municipality, city or village can be found. In which people who offer lodging and / or recreational services can post these and in turn can be easily consulted by the interested public, whether foreign or from the area.

Development platforms:

For the moment it will only work on the web platform. it is expected sometime after the project to be able to develop the app


People who want to post their hotel, hostel, house, cabin, or others will be charged for people to get there.


User types:

User 1: person who will offer a recreational service
User 2: interested in carrying out any type of activity

Development areas:

Sidewalks, municipalities, townships, towns of the different states of the country.

Technical risks:

Lack of internet coverage in some areas of the country, which will prevent the use of the platform in some cases.

Non-technical risks:

Possible scams or theft due to false services or places that do not exist, the solution would be to carry out a review of the different places and services that you want to offer as well as verification of legal requirements, among others and a new pandemic.
